Friday, December 10, 2010

Halogen Lights

With the adaptation of Halogen Lights I have mixed reviews and opinions. I am all for the decrease in light pollution or high energy consuming light bulbs because I believe our environment to be very important and should be on everyone's mind with their daily routines. I'm not saying constantly think about your actions, but to occasionally remember what you're doing, whether it be electronic usage, car usage, or disposal of recyclable material. As I drive home late at night on the weekends I find Car's Halogen Lights to be very distracting. I'm not trying to complain against using them for other lighting needs but I believe that they offer too much of a distraction to other drivers. Personal experience while riding in my friend's car shows that they do increase your visibility to the sides, but I do not understand why designers would tilt them in an upwards direction. I have mixed reviews on Halogen Lights.